Explore the A&D Heavy Duty Checkweigher: a rugged solution for high-capacity weighing up to 200 lbs with 50 pieces per minute throughput.
Discover the A&D Intermediate Checkweigher: accurate, high-speed weighing up to 65 pieces per minute with 50-100 lbs capacity in a compact design.
This checkweigher offers high repeatability, modular design, and best-in-class precision of 0.08g. Compact, IP65-rated, and easy to install.
This in motion checkweigher is versatile with dual range capacity and high repeatability. Perfect for products such as bottled paint samples and applications in food & beverage.
This A&D checkweigher can achieve speeds up to 400 pieces per minute and has a overall system length under 3 feet.
Rotational checkweigher for small and medium sized cylindrical packages.