UKVI Contest for Farmers

The UK’s Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) has launched a £12.5 million research and innovation competition to promote research and development in the feed and protein sector.

The competition is focused on reducing methane emissions and developing new low-emission, resource-efficient protein sources, in the areas of feed.

The goal of the program is to assist farmers increase productivity, resilience in the sector, and move existing agricultural sectors towards net zero by promoting rapid development of cutting-edge technologies that result in a more sustainable farming model for tomorrow.

The competition has two sections: ‘Feasibility Projects’ and ‘Industrial Research’. The projects will enhance productivity and sustainability across the sectors. 

The competition is open to farmers, growers, foresters, enterprises, and researchers. 

The Farming Innovation Program in collaboration with the UKVII’s Transforming Food Production Challenge organises the event.

News Credits: UK contest seeks methane emissions busting and protein innovation ideas


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